Manu Chao - La Ventura

(Español) Sábado 18/10/2014


(Español) Viernes 17/10/2014


(Español) Viernes 17/10/2014


(Español) Viernes 17/10/2014


(Español) Sábado 18/10/2014

La Sra. Tomasa

(Español) Sábado 18/10/2014

Chicos y Mendez

(Español) Viernes 17/10/2014

Los Niños de los Ojos Rojos

(Español) Sábado 8/10/2014


Pam a Pam: Step by step, we build solidarity economy. 600 km. on foot for the solidarity economy.

PAM A PAM: Step by step, we build solidarity economy. 600 km. on foot for the solidarity economy. Step by a step towards the solidarity economy. What? We will walk about 600 km. arriving to 50 Catalan towns. How? From “Pam a Pam” a project driven by: Setem, XES Catalonia (Under the Solidarity Economy Week) and Gats. “Pam a Pam” is a virtual and collaborative map that shows all the responsible consumption points in Barcelona to transform the world starting from the shopping basket. Nowadays it takes into account areas as banking, clothing and food. The new web: allows searching for the responsible consumption initiatives by district or areas. The main goal is to encourage patterns of consumption and production that prioritizes people and environment avoiding the capitalist logic of profit. The project is promoted by volunteers and it looks for responsible shops in Barcelona and gives them visibility through the web. Nowadays the map has more than 70 points and it is focused on increasing everyday thanks to the volunteers. The map is based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative project to create free and editable maps. Why? From XES local networks and precisely for promoting more the network activity we have decided to promote this walk in which people and organisations will participate.

DOM 28 Barcelona- Can Masdeu- Ateneu 9 Barris

LUN 29 Masnou- Teia- Mataró

MAR 30 Mataró- Canet de Mar- Arenys de Mar- Sant Pol


SÁB 4 OLOT- BLANES por confirmar

LUN 6 MURA-Manresa


MIE 8 CERVERA- Vallbona

JUE 9 Vallbona de les Monges-Balaguer

VIE 10 Balaguer- Lleida

SÁB 11 Tarragona 90km

L 13 Tarragona- El Vendrell

M 14 Vendrell – Vilanova- Sitges 28km

M 15 Sitges- El Prat 31km

J 16 Preparacion festival Esperanzah

V 17, S 18 y D 19 Festival Esperanzah!

L 20 Recogida Festival Esperanzah!

MAR 21 Prat-L’H-St Vicençs-Molins-Martorell 30km

MIE 22 Martorell-Rubí-Sant Cugat-Terrasssa 32km

JUE 23 Terrassa-Mollet-Montcada i Reixach 29km

VIE 24 Montcada- BDN-STK 10km

SAB 25 STK- Barcelona 7,2km

When? From 28 September to 25 October. Hereby, you will find all the provisional information and we invite you to participate and host in your town organizing a talk, projection or activity in the month of solidarity economy in Catalonia.